Friday, December 16, 2011

Cardio vs. Weights

Did you know that cardio is a great way to burn calories but it's not enough? You can burn calories doing cardio but in order to continue burning calories and fat you need to add weights to your exercise regimen. If you add weights your body will continue to burn fat 24-48 hours after working out, there for making the most of your time. Afraid of getting "bulky"? Ask any weight lifter and they will tell you it takes heavy weight and lots of lifting to get bulky. Lifting light weights with high reps help build long, lean muscles that boost your metabolism and burn fat. So go out and lift some weights this weekend and let me know how it goes.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fitness at any age

It's amazing that we can decide to "get healthy" at any age. I was on a conference call last night with John "Bo Duke" Schneider. A year ago he decided that he need to change his habits and get back into shape. John watched a P90X informercial, ordered it and a year later he has an amazing team with Beachbody that has lost over 1100 lb in about 5 months. He is now back to the weight he was during the Dukes of Hazzard days. Do I wish I would have stayed the same softball, gymnastic, running track healthy I was in High school? Sure I do, but I'm only 44 I should have, I hope 40 more years ahead of me to enjoy the change. Interested in changing your lifestyle? I will be glad to help, just let me know

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lousy Metal 5k Virtual run

Why do we run? More likely than not most of the time it's for a medal or a t-shirt. There is a Virtual 5k on Sat. Dec. 17 that benefits Team in Training. You can participate in the run from home, where ever that is, and receive a medal for finishing.I'm helping 2 great causes that day. In my town there is a local running store that is hosting a 1000 mi. run, that benefits Toys for Tots. You get a sweatshirt of that event. It's a win/win situation. Join me in in the virtual run at and help a great cause.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Virtual Anything

In this day and age you can do a "virtual" anything. After seeing a few of the bloggers I follow posting Virtual 5k's during the holidays, I decided to "copy" the idea. So, I decided to have a "virtual" workout day. Anytime during Dec. 23-26, if you work out and send me a picture of you in your workout clothes, you will be enetered into a drawing for a great gift. This is my way of keeping you busy during the time of year where we tend to gain weight. Comment below if your are interested in this challenge.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baby after 40

Losing weight has never been easy fo me, but I was never overweight until I started having children. I had my 1st baby at 19, my 2nd at 22 and my 3rd at 43. Yes I have a 25, 22 and almost 1 yr old, all boys. Join me on my journey to lose the "after 40 baby weight" and as I journey along as a Beachbody coach. Trying to do my part to End the Trend of obesity in America.